5 Nearest Visits From Kolkata


In our everyday busy schedule, all of us require some or the other kind of escape for a mind refreshment or a mood change. Nothing can be compared to Travelling when it comes to the thought of escaping from our day-to-day packed schedule. Some of these places to tour include Digha, Darjeeling, Shantiniketan, Mayapur, and the Sunderbans. These places have the perfect aspects required to make a small visit, the best cozy areas to lounge in, and just the required essentials for a happy meal! Like, the best hotels in new digha by the breezy sea beach, the serenity of Shantiniketan, the greenery of the Sunderbans, and the pious aura of Mayapur, will provide the magical escape in the best way possible.


1.     Digha


The very first name the pops in the heads of the people living in Kolkata, when it comes to the instance of visiting a very near place is nothing but Digha. Digha is just 181 kilometers from Kolkata and being the most often visited place, hotels in new digha is also a task of ease. The beach town located on the banks of the Bay of Bengal is one of the most frequently visited tourist spots for the people of Kolkata. The breezy, serene seashores are the perfect places for mind refreshment. Also, a trip to Digha has a little pocket pinch as the hotels in digha sea beach provides the perfect, comfortable place to laze.


2.     Darjeeling


The serene hills, the perfect sip of hot coffee, and a steamy plate of momos along with the view of the clouds and mist! An ideal way of refreshment is thus defined. A short swipe to Darjeeling, which is 656 kilometers from Kolkata, can be the right refreshment for a short time period. The very famous, visits to the mall, a ride of the famous Toy Train, the Batasia Loop, or the scene of sunrise at the Tiger Hills are the exemplary visits of Darjeeling.


3.     Shantiniketan


As its name explains, it is the residence of peace and tranquility. The small town, situated in the district of Birbhum is mainly known for being the home town of Rabindranath Tagore, which now is also a university- the Viswa Bharati University. Being 163 kilometers away from Kolkata, the main tourist attraction is the Poush Mela, which though is a seasonal visit, but provides the right worth and essence of the place.


4.     Mayapur


Here too, the name says it all. The place, just like its name, is magical with outstanding temples and heart-melting views. It is situated at the commissure of River Ganga and River Jalangi and is just 115 kilometers away from Kolkata. The popular temples to visit in Mayapur can be ISKCON Chandrodaya Temple, Yoga Pith, Sri Chaitanya Math, and Chand Kazi's Samadhi.


5.     Sunderbans


The perfect getaway from Kolkata with a mindset of both having refreshment and also the essence of adventure is the Sunderbans. The place that reminds us of our connection and origin to our Mother Nature and also being the home to the Royal Bengal Tigers, it becomes a must-visit for all the nature and adventure lovers. Traveling through the mangrove forests of the Sunderbans, which also happens to be the world's largest delta, showers us with all the excitement and rejuvenation that is needed.


Thus, be it the alluring beaches and sea meals at best hotels in digha or the lush greenery of the Sunderbans, the misty hills of Darjeeling; the devout nature of Mayapur or the calmness of Shantiniketan, none of them would fail to give the break that everyone needs from their monotonous schedule and would rather mizzle the energy to reinvigorate.


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