5 Nearest Visits From Kolkata

In our everyday busy schedule, all of us require some or the other kind of escape for a mind refreshment or a mood change. Nothing can be compared to Travelling when it comes to the thought of escaping from our day-to-day packed schedule. Some of these places to tour include Digha, Darjeeling, Shantiniketan, Mayapur, and the Sunderbans. These places have the perfect aspects required to make a small visit, the best cozy areas to lounge in, and just the required essentials for a happy meal! Like, the best hotels in new digha by the breezy sea beach, the serenity of Shantiniketan, the greenery of the Sunderbans, and the pious aura of Mayapur, will provide the magical escape in the best way possible. 1. Digha The very first name the pops in the heads of the people living in Kolkata, when it comes to the instance of visiting a very near place is nothing but Digha. Digha is just 181 kilometers from Kolkata and being the most often visited...